Cleanbox Technology effectively kills viruses at a 99.99+% rate

Cleanbox is also a member of VRARA. We provide a hygienic solution for VR headsets that destroys viruses. We are reaching out to each chapter, to make sure you are aware our solution exists.

Cleanbox is the only solution on the market today to effectively clean and sanitize VR/AR head gear. Our patented technology kills 99.99+% of viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens using UVC medical grade light and nano particle solutions in 60 seconds.

If you are concerned about transmitting eye infections and viruses between employees please consider our solution. Wipes are not effective. You would need to leave the wipe on the headset for three minutes to achieve 97% efficacy.

The UVC light is a much shorter bandwidth than UVA (sunlight) and UVB (tanning bed lights) and because of that it does not damage the plastics materials and does not penetrate any glass or acrylic at all. Our UVC manufacturer has run endurance tests on a wide range of plastics with their lights that have lasted for three years. No degradation of the materials (no brittleness, flaking, etc) has occurred. For a Cleanbox user to get three years of constant exposure on materials, it would actually take something more like 17 years or more of running cleaning cycles because typical use is one 60-second cycle out of every five minutes. Extrapolating that for eight hours a day, six days a week, and the math shows it would take a period of time that is far greater than the lifespan of the visor in question to get that kind of continuous exposure on the materials. So the end result is that no, the UVC does not effectively harm the plastics or materials. When headset manufacturers talk about "UV light is bad for the lenses", they mean sunlight (UVA). There is no headset manufacturer that says UVC light is bad for plastic.

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Name: Michael Fuhrman

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