Mohamed Karim Azizi appointed VRARA Tunisia Chapter, Announces First Event

The VRARA is excited to announce that Prof. Mohamed Karim Azizi has been appointed to the role of the VR/AR Association (VRARA)Tunisia Chapter President.

Prof. Mohamed Karim Azizi was born in Tunis, Tunisia, in 1979. He received the Master Degree in Telecommunications from Supcom, Tunisia in 2008, and Ph.D. degree in Electronics from Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Tunisia in 2013.

He is currently an Associate Professor in electronics at Higher Institute of Multimedias Arts of Manouba, University of Manouba, Tunisia. Where he has been teaching since 2009.

His present area of Interest is Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Video Games Development and Game Design.

Presently, he is in Charge of Video Game Development Program at Higher Institute of Multimedias Arts of Manouba.

Prof. Azizi has hit the ground running, already announcing the chapter’s first event for the university students, Immersive Education: Learning Potential with Augmented Academics.