Call for Participation: VR/AR in Universities and Colleges

The VRARA Universities and Colleges Committee is currently putting together a Sector Report that will highlight what postsecondary education institutions are doing in the VR/AR space. The report will provide an overview of:

  • what VR/AR courses and programs are being offered by each institution;

  • how VR/AR technologies are being used to support learning and teaching in other courses and programs;

  • VR/AR-related research and/or development activity occurring at the institutions;

  • applications of VR/AR to other areas, such as recruitment, marketing, outreach, the library, and student services;

  • the institutions’ future plans in the VR/AR space.

Participation is open to postsecondary education institutions worldwide. If your institution would like to have it featured in the report, please contact as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, December 21, 2018.

Want to Sponsor this report? Email for details!

(Note: While K-12 education does not fall within the scope of this report, plans are also underway for a cross-sector effort on VR/AR curricula that will include K-12, which will be undertaken by jointly the Universities and Colleges Committee and the Education Committee)