Design Interactive wins MTEC Prototype of the Year Award

Design Interactive (DI), an Orlando-based, family-owned eXtended Reality (XR) firm was recognized with the MTEC Prototype of the Year Award for their effort to extend the state-of-the-knowledge with regards to augmented reality (AR) safety protocols. This award recognizes research that has made outstanding technical progress over the course of the effort. It was accepted by Claire Hughes, Research Associate III, at the MTEC Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD.

As AR moves towards mass adoption for training and operational support, DI’s efforts to quantify safety concerns associated with long duration AR exposure are essential to keep soldiers in battlefield situations at the highest levels of readiness. “Our study results indicate caution must be exercised when adopting AR technology, as measurable hand-eye coordination degradation persisted long after AR exposure ceased, which could compromise soldier safety and suggests the need for usage protocols that can counter these concerns” says Kay Stanney, CEO of Design Interactive. The results from this project can support the establishment of safety protocols that can have far reaching benefits for those within the DoD and beyond that aim to adopt AR technology, as they can serve as one of the most effective ways of protecting Soldiers from physiological maladaptation that can compromise operational readiness.

Design Interactive’s efforts to quantify the physiological impact of AR technology will continue, as Dr. Darrin Frye, Health Science Administrator- Sustainment Expeditionary Medical Skills at Combat Casualty Care Research Program Joint Program Committee-6, has noted that it is “not only important to determine what emerging technology can do for us, but what such technology can do to us.” The value of such knowledge will continue to grow in importance as we evolve into a future that is ever more reliant on emerging immersive technologies.

About Design Interactive

DI is a woman-owned, small business in Orlando, Florida that specializes in the development of eXtended Reality training and operational support solutions that truly empower people. DI has been delivering value to customers in Defense, Manufacturing, Transportation, Aviation and Medicine since its founding in 1998.

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