Sony will showcase a new product at our IGS during Metacenter Global Week in Orlando, Oct 17-19

Immerse Global Summit at Metacenter Global Week​ in Orlando on Oct 17-19!

In addition to it’s newest Spatial Reality Displays, Sony will also showcase mocopi at our IGS during ​Metacenter Global Week​ in Orlando on Oct 17-19!

Mocopi is a revolutionary phone-based motion 3D capture system for controlling virtual avatars that easily helps you track & record your full body motion; it’s great for your use in the metaverse! Mocopi is fully wireless and only requires a Bluetooth connection to your phone (iOS or Android) , so you can use it anywhere. It consists of six small sensors and a dedicated app that enable full-body motion tracking when combined using Sony’s proprietary technologies. Those in the industry know that traditional motion capture systems require pricey studios and trained operators, while Mocopi simply relies on Sony’s unique algorithm for accurate motion measurements with only small lightweight sensors as well as a smartphone.

Sony’s mocopi system makes motion capture and virtual content creation easy

With the dedicated “mocopi” app, users can create movies with their avatar in motion with their compatible smartphone, using the data obtained from the sensors attached to their body. In addition to pre-installed avatars, users can import custom avatars. Recorded avatar movies can be exported as mp4 files or motion data from the mobile app,” said Sony.

Mocopi is ultimately designed to record a user’s movements and then mirror them in digital environments — hence the mashup of “motion” and “copy.” There are plenty of different use cases for this kind of tech, from allowing animators to rig 3D characters with more realistic motions, to allowing Vtubers to replicate their movements in real time across streams and virtual reality platforms like VR Chat.

Mocopi provides some major benefits for the niche communities that will be willing to cough up the cash to buy it. While there are some affordable VR headsets like the Meta Quest 2 that can be similarly utilized in VR applications, these won’t provide the finesse of a dedicated motion capture tool, especially when it comes to lower body tracking.

Sony’s Mobile Motion Capture

Motion capture is a technique which digitizes the movements of a real person or object and imports them into a computer. This allows you to reproduce more lifelike, humanly movements with a computer-generated character in video production. This technique is also being widely used in movies, animations, and game contents within the Sony Group.

Typical motion capture requires studio facilities to install many cameras as well as a tight full-body suit worn by the actor with many markers attached to the body. In contrast, we have realized a new technology that enables motion capture using only small, lightweight sensors. We call this "Mobile Motion Capture."With this technology, you can readily digitize a person's movements while wearing everyday clothes whether they are indoors, outdoors, or anywhere and apply those movements to a computer-generated character.

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