VR Voyaging Joins the Virtual Reality Augmented Reality Association

VR Voyaging, a news and review site focused on travel and cultural heritage, has joined the Virtual Reality Augmented Reality Association (VRARA) through the Seattle Chapter.

VR Voyaging focuses on non-gaming uses of virtual reality, especially immersive experiences that are interactive, educational, and culturally enriching. They publish articles about how VR works, thoughts about the current and future state of the technology, and interviews with creators in the field. They also maintain a database of nearly 200 VR applications that align with their focus, many with in-depth reviews. Finally, the site also keeps track of real-world exhibits and events that feature VR at museums and other venues. They are especially proud of their use of Google Maps technology to show the real-world places that are recreated in the apps they catalog and review.

Arian Kulp, founder of VR Voyaging, said, “There's a common view that VR is mostly for gaming and niche training applications. I think that if more people were aware of the immense opportunities to learn about our world through immersive experiences, adoption would increase by leaps and bounds as entirely new segments of people saw the value.” In addition to joining VRARA, Kulp is a former Microsoft MVP, has served as the director of K-12 STEM program the Oregon Game Project Challenge in the past, and has extensive experience with software development in the field of healthcare.


VR VOYAGING is a media web site specializing in articles, reviews, and events relating to travel and cultural applications of virtual reality.

For more information about this topic, please visit https://www.vrvoyaging.com/about-contact or contact arian@vrvoyaging.com.