Seattle Chapter Updates Fall 2022

Seattle Chapter Reactivation and VirtualEyes Media

We had a successful reactivation for the Seattle Chapter activities last September 8th. Roberto Haza, Founder of Extended Reality Advisory, is now serving as Chapter President and was thrilled to kick-off activities. As a first time BrightTALK user we had our clear glitches at the beginning of the recording, so please forward to min 4 to hear what Roberto and guest speaker Darryl Henderson, Head of Product and Marketing of VirtualEyes Media, prepared to share how Virtual Reality is taking virtual tours to the next level.

Recording of the event can be found here:


Last year Niantic opened up Lightship (the platform that built PokemonGo and is built on top of Unity) to developers around the world! 

This past May they released their Visual Positioning System, a spatial map that allows devs to anchor their AR experiences to real-world locations and have those experiences interact realistically with the environment! 

The Lightship VPS team is now headed to Seattle to host a weekend VPS hackathon, complete with talks and workshops! You can apply to join the Seattle event here: 

This is an intimate and hands on experience! Their team wants to build the real-world metaverse with you!

Using XR and the Metaverse for Real World Impact – Q4 event on October 12

Do you find yourself wondering how might we use XR technology to create exponential positive impact in the real world?

We hear so much these days about the Metaverse, which is often depicted as a game-like digital fantasyland where people can meet, play and work with the aid of new immersive technologies like VR, AR and MR.


There is much speculation about the nature of life in the Metaverse, its pros and its cons. But, what is often left out of the discussion is the question of how these technologies might be used in creative ways to deliver meaningful positive impact in the real world. Significant impact. At global scale. Involving everyone.


Join us on Oct 12 as Virtual World Society and Exponential Destiny share their stories with us, and what they are are working on now to address this question. And to tell us how we all can get involved.

Sign up to event here: need event link here please

We are looking forward to seeing all of you. Join and grow being part of the VRARA community in Seattle.