Edstutia Launches Instructor Certification Program in Immersive Tech

Edstutia is a 21st century virtual learning platform at the intersection of business and technology. We have developed one of the world's first fully immersive campuses in true VR. We are finalizing our B2C programs which will launch in January 2023; however, we are currently working with Corp L&D to integrate VR-enhanced learning for onboarding, upskilling, team building, DEI initiatives, and more. Given the newness of the metaverse and immersive tech, we have learned first hand that one of our jobs is to educate people on the value and potential of learning in the metaverse.

As such, we designed a 10-week instructor certification program for instructors, professors, coaches, instructional designers, and other HR professionals to learn how to leverage XR and thus create impactful learning experiences for their respective audiences. Participants will learn what the metaverse is all about and why they should care. What, specifically, should L&D professionals understand about the possibilities of learning/teaching in the metaverse? What are the differences between 2D, 3D, AR, VR, MR, XR? They will be introduced to a variety of tools to design their own simulations/exercises, and learn how to capture and leverage data for performance measurement. At the end of the 10 week session - which has both asynchronous and synchronous components - participants will be expected to deliver a one-hour learning experience in VR to showcase their newly acquired skills.

The first two cohorts kick off in September. Cohorts are capped at 20 participants for optimal engagement. Participants will meet for 2 hours of live instructor-led training in VR each week. Upon completion of all the required components, participants will receive a digital certificate of completion. Cost: $5,000 pp. Required device: Oculus Quest headset.

Click here for more information, testimonials, and to register: https://edstutia.com/immersive-tech-instructor-certification/ The more people who go through this program, the more they will want to utilize the amazing tools and solutions that VRARA members are developing. Let's help them get on board and be meta ready. Because ready or not... here it comes!