Laerdal is developing the next generation of immersive, effective mixed reality training for medical scenarios (Varjo Case Study)

One of Varjo’s latest customer use cases is taking advantage of Varjo’s newest generation of XR headsets, the XR-3. When Laerdal, a global leader in patient simulation, set an ambitious company mission to help save an additional one million lives every year by 2030, they turned to Varjo to help develop new immersive simulation solutions for medical scenarios. 

The new training solutions can combine existing technologies such as data collection, immersive simulation and cloud-based infrastructure to deliver something never seen before. With the help of immersive technology, teams of healthcare professionals from across the world can work together in any medical scenario, seamlessly collaborating and sharing their knowledge. Even more importantly, this concept will offer a fail-safe learning environment to train within, giving people a safe way to learn from mistakes and better prepare for unexpected events without jeopardizing actual lives. 

For more information, you can read the case study in its entirety by clicking here

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