The new State of VR/AR Survey is now live! Creators, this is for you - time to speak out!

Take the survey here by Aug 10, and win!

The State of AR/VR is a survey, looking at global trends and challenges in building Augmented and Virtual Reality apps.

Every year, more than 30,000 developers from 165+ countries participate in the Developer Economics surveys to set new trends in software development, including AR/VR. But what about non-developers who work on the AR/VR projects? This is a chance for them to have their say about the future of immersive technologies. The survey is open to all AR/VR creators, designers and animators: professional, hobbyists or students.

Speak out about what you’re best or need to work on more, test your skills, tell us about the type of AR/VR projects you're working on, and your favourite tools, technologies or platforms. Let the world know about your favourite tools, platforms, and technologies, as well as the necessary skills, monetisation, training, career development - and much more. 

  • Which AR/VR skills are likely to make a difference? 

  • What tools or platforms are you using in your projects? 

  • What training resources do you prefer using? 

AR/VR creators, this is for you - time to speak out. 

The insights coming from the survey will be published in Q4 2020 on Developer Economics community website (, together with the State of the Developer Nation 19th edition report (we publish a new State of the Developer Nation report edition every 6 months, available for free download to everyone who takes part in our surveys). 

Plus, the survey is packed with pleasant surprises - if you enter you may win one out of USD $15,000+ worth of prizes like a iPhone 11,  Oculus Quest 64GB, Sketchfab Pro License, Octane Render Studio for Unity, Vuforia license, VR Ninjas Virtual Reality mat, plus lots of dev swag, accessories and vouchers or even up to USD $1,000 cash if you also refer other AR/VR creators to take the survey. Hurry up and take the survey. 

There is something for the entire Tech Industry here: we will donate $0.10 for every qualified response, to the TechFugees initiative, to help empower displaced people with technology.

The State of AR/VR survey is now open until August 10.