XR Bootcamp launches 7-week class covering standalone VR and built-in hand tracking (VRARA members receive a $500 USD discount if they apply until June 3!)

Today we’re excited to share that XR Bootcamp is offering a hands-on 7-week master class covering standalone VR and built-in hand tracking, the two most hotly demanded features in VR right now. According to a recent survey with major enterprise company executives and developers, 67% of the participants agree that built-in hand tracking and standalone headsets will be the two VR trends that will have the biggest value for VR training. As VRARA, we are proud to partner with XR Bootcamp to bring hand tracking to mainstream VR/AR enterprise applications and make hand interaction an industry standard.

As global enterprise deepens its adoption of VR technology, executives and professionals struggle with handheld controllers designed for gaming. With Oculus Quest hand tracking becoming an official feature this week, developers will soon have a consumer-grade standalone HMD with built-in hand tracking. Hand tracking is already the main actor of VR experiences, and participants in the Master Class will have a headstart on the rest of the industry.

The XR Bootcamp trainers, Dennys and Roger, founders of Holonautic, are among the very few original creatives in the hand tracking space who aren’t currently working for one of the major headset companies. While hand interaction in its current form is demanding for developers who want to build game and enterprise applications, it’s a skill that will set you apart from the crowd.

The whole learning experience is designed with an industrial project use case that mirrors real-world deployments. The deep dive is a full interactive experience with weekly mentorship sessions, peer-to-peer learning opportunities, and even an in-VR pitch to industry and enterprise coop programs at its conclusion. The end result is an advanced enterprise portfolio project and contacts which can accelerate anyone’s career.

With XR Bootcamp’s Hand Tracking and Immersive Interaction Design Master Class, you can Head Start on the Rest of the XR industry. After seeing the magic of handsfree experiences, your clients will never ask for controller supported XR projects anymore.

Admission is highly competitive and designed for intermediate-to-advanced-level VR developers.

Learn more about and apply to the master class here

If you have any questions, feel free to join XR Bootcamp Kick-off session (10.30 am E.T - June 2) at VRARA Global Online Summit or Master Class Info Session on June 8 to learn more about the program: www.handtracking.eventbrite.com.

VRARA members receive a $500 USD discount if they apply until June 3.

Meanwhile, you are invited to join our discord channel to discuss hand tracking with other experts here


Name: Rahel Demant

Email Address: rahel@vrfirst.com

Website URL: https://xrbootcamp.com/deep-dive-immersive-interaction-design/