For Disney premiers - Frozen and Star Wars - Augmented Reality experiences were made for fans to interact!

For the launch of the films Star Wars Episode IX and Frozen 2, CamOnApp created immersive technology campaigns for Disney Scan, inviting fans to explore both universes and have fun with interactive content.

CamOnApp develops platforms that allow users to scan toys, books, stickers, packagings, graphic supports at events and various other products. One of them is Disney Scan, an application created for Disney, which allows users to view augmented reality experiences in more than 30 countries around the world.

Disney proposes using this digital channel to generate playful content that enhances engagement and direct interaction with its audience. With this goal in mind, they are actively incorporating augmented reality experiences into their 360˚ marketing strategy for content launches and movie premieres.

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Name: Florencia Moltini

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