VR/AR Association Commences Ahmedabad Chapter in India

Industry leaders gather in Ahmedabad

On 7th January 2020, VR/AR Association launched the Ahmedabad chapter. With this chapter launch, the association has now established a foothold in Ahmedabad, the center for technological innovation in Gujarat, India.

With chapters in all major cities across the globe, the VR/AR Association has added another flourishing community of VR/AR experts to the association that encompasses over 4300 organizations (companies, brands, universities, etc.) and 28,000 professionals as members globally. The chapters or communities felicitate local networking and knowledge sharing via meetup events held periodically among VR and AR services and solution providers, content creators, organizations and institutions as well as brands and consumers who wish to utilize VR and AR technology for their business. The community supports a cohesive global network of member-based chapters that together leverage accelerated connections and knowledge sharing within the industry.  

Pradeep Khanna, Executive Director APAC VRARA, spoke at length about the current scenario of Augmented and Virtual Reality across the globe. He elucidated how emerging technologies like 5G and edge computing are going to push developments in immersive technology even further by providing advantages like zero latency. He further advised members to explore as the tipping point of adoption for the immersive technology is near and how this will be a disruptive force in the future for a multitude of industries.  

Another special guest, President - Ganpat University, Padma Shri Ganpatbhai Patel, addressed the audience and emphasized on the importance of innovation in the field. He further went on to discuss the significance of amalgamating academia and industries towards a more scalable growth not just for the technology, but all stakeholders invested in immersive technology. Mr. Sunil Parekh, Chief Corporate Affairs Advisor for Zydus Group was also in attendance at the launch event. 

“The global augmented and virtual reality market size was $11.35 billion in 2017, and the augmented and virtual reality market forecast is projected to reach $571.42 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 63.3% from 2018 to 2025. All major technology giants like Google, Facebook, Snap and China’s BAT are focusing efforts on VR/AR development. As the industry is growing at an unprecedented rate our efforts are focused at creating an inclusive ecosystem that shall provide access and advantages of this rapid growth in the immersive technology industry to all members.” stated chapter president Rohit Purohit, Chapter President and CEO – ViitorCloud Technologies.  

Keyur Bhalavat chapter vice president & CEO - Plutomen Technologies further added, “The Ahmedabad association serves as a platform for members to interact and share with like-minded people with a shared focus towards VR/AR development leading to a culmination of ideas among the brightest minds in the industry. The chapter will be cultivating more members to expand the foothold of the community across entire Gujarat. With constant communication and periodic meetups, we aim to create a bridge between the vast network of global leaders and community members.”  

With the establishment of a dedicated chapter organizations involved in VR/AR industry will be welcome to attend the VRARA chapter events, while members old and new will relish additional benefits related to unique research, reports and case studies developed by members, discounts to industry events, promotion opportunities and direct access to other members on an international scale.    

In the final hours of the launch event, the members of the Ahmedabad association discussed at length about how the community will move forward and establish itself and members as a global entity in immersive technology development. Brimming with potential, the VR/AR Association Ahmedabad chapter could help Gujarat achieve a global footprint in the AR/VR industry propelling the emerging technology market for the entire state.

For more details please visit thevrara.com/india

For more details please visit https://www.thevrara.com/india