Bring Your Memories to Life with Looking Glass

Just before CES, Looking Glass Factory took some new news live on their website. Now, in addition to displaying synthetic 3D content in their displays, people can capture real-world images and display them in 3D (with depth) in a Looking Glass Display. The way people capture the images is with a new app they launched called Moments 3D. Viewing is handled by the Depth Media Player.

That future is NOW.

Today Looking Glass is publicly releasing two new software tools that will enable users to seamlessly bring the real world into the Looking Glass:

  • Moments 3D is an iOS app that allows you to easily capture and send Portrait mode photos into a Looking Glass to see them in true 3D. Any Portrait mode photo you have–your vacation last summer, weekend brunch with friends, even that dog you saw on the way to work today–easily relive your favorite memories with Moments 3D (extra dimension included). Download Moments 3D here.

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Depth Media Player is a viewing tool for photo/video content with depth textures. It allows you to import videos from Depthkit and Portrait mode photos from Moments 3D to curate a deeply personal family album like you've never seen before! Access the Depth Media Player here.

Looking Glass is excited to see the world from your perspective. Share your holographic iPhone captures with the Looking Glass community using the hashtag #Moments3D

Their iOS capture app Moments 3D is live on the App Store. Download it today to make holograms out of your Portrait mode photos.