Top Five for 2024

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During the meeting, the participants discussed the impact and potential of AI and XR technologies, highlighting the need for internal buy-in, ROI, and strategic advantage. They also discussed the importance of conferences and meetings like our Online Sessions. Plans for the year include creating white papers, forming a subcommittee, and organizing fireside chats. Concerns were raised about VisionOS compatibility with IT management tools, lack of regulation for AI, and data collection by AR headset companies. The value of information was emphasized, with a focus on leveraging it to add value. Legal issues related to AI were discussed, as well as the potential of AI assistants in everyday life and enterprise. Skepticism was expressed about the Apple headset and the need for a killer app. The features of Apple's new spatial computing platform were discussed, along with concerns about price point and iterative development. The role of entertainment and the potential disruption of the game and movie industry were also mentioned.

Topics & Highlights

1. Discussion about AI and XR technologies

  • The participants discussed the impact and potential of AI and XR technologies. They mentioned how AI and XR technologies start off innocuous but gain significant impact over time. They also discussed the need to get buy-in internally for these technologies and the importance of ROI and strategic advantage. The participants shared examples of how technology, such as AI and XR, fumbles in the early days but eventually gains traction.

  • The participants discussed the example of IBM developing their mainframes and the market research they conducted. They also discussed the market research conducted for PCs and the decision to farm out all the development and do the aggregation themselves.

  • The participants discussed the importance of conferences, time, and money in getting traction with new technologies.

2. Hot Topics and Discussion on Apple

  • concerns about how VisionOS will play nicely with IT management tools and how enterprises can get involved in closed proof concepts.

  • excitement about the upcoming Apple announcement and compared it to the first iPhone announcement in 2006.

3. AI

  • concern about the lack of regulation for AI and the potential influence of lobbyists in protecting AI interests.

  • maturing technology of AI and the belief that specific guardrails and regulations won't be as important as the technology becomes more self-improving.

4. AR Hardware and Software

  • concerns about the collection and usage of biometric and user data by AR headset companies and the potential risks associated with it.

  • legal landscape for XR in Enterprise as an interesting and potentially disruptive topic, with implications for corporate legal teams and the potential for AI to replace certain professionals.

  • increasing importance of IT and cybersecurity for advanced wearable devices, including AR headsets, and the need for enterprise companies to closely monitor these issues.

5. Value of Information

  • the top 1-2% of all information holds extremely high value, while the rest is of nominal value. He compares it to how only a small fraction of kids who start playing sports end up playing professionally and making millions.

  • those who have a vision forward, can look ahead, and leverage information to add value will make more money, while those who can't put that together will struggle.

6. AI and Legal Issues

  • case where a lawyer used AI to look up details of a case and cited precedent that didn't exist, potentially facing disbarment. The Supreme Court's annual take on AI also mentions this case and raises concerns about lawyers quoting things that didn't happen.

7. AI in Everyday Life

  • idea of AI assistants being present in everyday life, providing constant personalized assistance. The potential applications include conversation support, note-taking, reminders, and more. The business potential of AI assistants is emphasized.

8. AI assistants in enterprise

  • having an AI system that automates tasks in his life and compares it to Google and Alexa assistants.

  • importance of analytics in XR training and how some companies struggle to utilize the collected data effectively.

  • AI assistants could play a role in analyzing XR training data and providing insights.

9. Apple headset and killer app

  • skepticism about the Apple headset and emphasizes the need for a killer app to drive adoption.

  • potential of the Apple headset as a platform and its integration with the existing Apple ecosystem.

10. Apple's new spatial computing platform

  • The speaker discusses the features of Apple's new spatial computing platform, including the visibility of existing iOS apps as tiles, 3D experiences, and the potential of 3D FaceTime.

  • The speaker mentions the possibility of Disney activations at home being bigger than going to Disneyland.

  • The speaker suggests that entertainment will dive into interesting killer apps, such as seeing Marvel movies and Iron Man in one's home.

  • There is a discussion about the price point of the new platform and the need for a lower-priced device to enable wider adoption.

11. Iterative development of spatial computing

  • The speaker shares personal experiences with VR headsets and suggests that the technology will evolve iteratively.

  • The speaker suggests that display technology may evolve before widespread adoption of headsets.

  • The speaker believes that Apple's initial release is just the beginning and that future iterations will bring more advanced features.

12. Apple's ecosystem and the role of entertainment

  • The speaker compares Apple's ecosystem for music with the potential role of movies and games in the new spatial computing platform.

  • The speaker raises a question about whether movies and games will be the stepping stones for Apple's new ecosystem.

13. Disrupting the game and movie industry

  • The concern is raised about whether the company will disrupt the game and movie industry or start their ecosystem somewhere else.

  • It is stated that the gaming industry is the biggest media industry in the world, earning more than all other media industries combined.

  • The discussion highlights that VR games have slowed down and there is a need for mass adoption of headsets for higher returns. The AAA companies in the gaming industry are not seeing the desired traction even with the meta headsets.

  • Insider information is shared that Facebook reached out to discuss building a productivity app for the headset, considering it a huge milestone. Pokemon is mentioned as a potential killer app, and a friend's experience with a Pokemon managing app is discussed.