Startuppolis, the maker of the VR helmet for people who face "Avatar-fatigue"

Emmanuele Leggio is the head of a startup project called Startuppolis.

This VR helmet is able to capture the face of the user while offering a high level of privacy in the conversation. This is to create the perfect environment for distance working. The helmet gives the same comfort and relax of the physical office but with the benefits of the work from home. The helmet has been designed using all the comfort of long range motorcycle helmet while it doesn't need to save you from impact.

Many don't consider how stressful is, for most people, to deal with an avatar. Some people might experience the so-called "Zoom fatigue". This is caused by the stress our brain has to endure, trying to understand the social clues during the conversation. Meetings in VR have the same problem: for many they are too creepy or cartoonish. Naturally there are minorities that don't mind that. Or most VR user enjoyed for short amounts of time. We all enjoy dressing up for Hallowing but we don't dress up all year long.

This project allows to extend the physical reality to include more people but without the side effect of increasing cost or inequality. When people move to physical cities to take advantage of Universities and workplaces but the cost of housing skyrockets as a consequence, for example, look at the increases in cost of living among the major cities around the world. This inspired us to shape our platform like a city state of the European Renaissance.

We are sending this email to the members of VRARA because we are looking for funding, or help with founding. Letter of intent binding and not binding, to prove the market to our investors.. We have already received letter of intent for academics, for international cooperation in writing papiers, and on studies about social VR. We would like to do more.

You can look for more information on our website: . Our pitch there is more focused on the Campus, but taking in account this is mostly a USA mailing list, we decided to go for the co-working space. The campus is not perceived as necessity in the USA, as much as it is in EU/ASIA.

We hope to have picked your interest at least to call us up, even if is to tell us that we are wrong. If you want to join us in a pilot program or simple letters of intent are good.

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