Call for Sponsors: Enterprise Industry Report

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This VR/AR Enterprise Industry Sector Report will include a wide range of companies and the kinds of customers they serve, showing how impactful their VR and AR solutions have become to enterprise customers. A quick look through this report also makes it clear just how targeted many of these companies are, with products and services often aimed squarely at specific industries and use cases.

Our 2019 report included 100+ companies!

Worldwide spending on VR/AR is forecasted at $20B in 2019 with a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 69.6% (IDC). According to Gartner, the use of VR and AR are one of six top technology workplace trends that will drive the digital workplace and “are ready for mainstream businesses.” And, Nielsen concluded enterprises adopting VR/AR training technology will save $13.5B that would otherwise have been spent on traditional training that includes instructors, dedicated learning spaces and traveling to remote facilities.

There are plenty of other examples and predictions that demonstrate the importance of VR and AR to forward-thinking enterprises in the immediate future. Successful trials (and increasing number of deployments) of VR and AR in enterprises are getting the competitors of early adopters companies to start recognizing that they may be missing out on the real strategic advantage they can achieve.

See the 2019 report version here

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