VR for Education in the $160B Market and how 350 students developed their first VR

VR is a tool of the future that everyone should take advantage of. According to Statista, the VR/AR market will expand dramatically in the coming years, with forecasts for 2023 eclipsing $160 billion U.S. dollars. And that is just the beginning: while today VR development is mostly restricted to professionals, soon everyone would be able to create their own VR projects. It might sound like a dream to you, but even now there are tools that allow users to create and manage VR content by themselves, such as platforms like Varwin and BrioVR.

These tools make VR development available to more people: you no longer need years of experience to create a VR project, and even students can do it. In fact, a recent hackathon organized in Russia proved that VR is no longer a complex technology but something everyone can master. The hackathon involved 350 students from all around Russia, most of whom were not at all familiar with VR. The teams used the Varwin platform to build their projects, which allowed them to get into VR development quickly and easily thanks to the drag-and-drop system and Blockly visual language that Varwin offers.

Learning how to build a VR project is a useful skill for students as they are going to witness huge technological progress during their careers. VR is also exciting for the next generation, and providing students the opportunity to work with VR pays off with their involvement and interest in this technology. In only 3 days during the hackathon, the teams not only learned how to work with the Varwin platform but successfully completed their projects and created their own worlds and scenarios. Students fully engaged in the process and discovered VR development for themselves.


Anna Salova, Varwin

