Apple Vision Pro

Tim Cook gives an update on the Apple Vision Pro

Tim Cook gave an update (during the Apple event this week) on the Vision Pro with examples from automotive, healthcare, and entertainment (watch the video below). And, we already know half of Fortune 100 companies have bought an Apple Vision Pro and are developing their solutions. Learn more at our Enterprise Summit 2024 on July 24!

Porsche is using the Apple Vision Pro to build the “showroom of the future”. Tim also mentioned Porsche was using the Vision Pro to train service technicians and reimagine track experiences.

Sharp Healthcare is improving surgical eyecare by using the Vision Pro. Tim said this was being done through “simulation, analysis and optimization”.

Professional film design on a theater-sized screen - film director Jon M. Chu was editing his upcoming film ‘Wicked’ on an Apple Vision Pro. This was being done from the comfort of his home on a “theater-size screen”.

Learn more at our Enterprise Summit 2024 on July 24!

Recap of our Apple Vision Pro for the Enterprise

We have weekly online sessions with presentations, live discussions, and networking to help you grow your knowledge and connections.

During today’s session hosted by Damon Shackelford and Cindy Mallory, we had 40+ participants who introduced themselves and shared their contact information. They discussed their backgrounds and areas of interest. The participants discussed Apple Vision Pro and the potential impact of the new technology, as well as concerns about battery life and price. They also talked about the use of prescription lenses and expressed concerns about the high price and technical faults of Apple's AR/VR device. The participants discussed collaboration, speeding up to market, and the capabilities of Vision Pro. They compared Vision Pro with generative AI and discussed the visualization of complex data and processes in VR. Use cases for VR and AR were also discussed, including avatars for enterprise meetings, VR tools for specific workflows, and VR in training and education. Concerns were raised about information overload in VR and the need for personalization. The participants also discussed stimulating creativity, interacting with VR and AR, and the importance of regulation and safety.

Participants included a longtime coach and head of agility for Visa and PayPal and digital platform director at Coca-Cola.

Discussion about using personal Apple IDs for work

  • The developer release has MDM controls that can be used for enterprise purposes. The participants mentioned using personal Apple IDs for work and the timeline for implementing the new technology internally.

  • The participants discussed their personal use of the new technology and the need for separate Apple IDs for work and personal use.

Discussion about the potential impact of the new technology

  • The participants discussed the potential impact of the new technology and drew parallels with the adoption of iPhones in the past. They mentioned the need for a baseline and ROI measurement in the enterprise.

Discussion on VR and AR use cases

  • The participant mentioned the potential use of VR avatars for enterprise meetings and reducing travel costs.

  • The participant discussed the possibility of using VR tools like Arthur for specific workflows such as brainstorming and agile sessions.

  • The participant mentioned the potential use cases of VR, including VR learning, well-being, personal computing, and co-working.

  • The participants discussed the use of VR for training and education, highlighting its effectiveness in increasing engagement and adoption. They also mentioned the integration of AI and VR in the medical field.

Regulation and safety concerns

  • The need for regulators to fine-tune the thresholds and limits of virtual reality and augmented reality technologies to ensure safety and prevent potential harm is discussed.

  • The example of politicians in the USA not fully understanding the potential harm of certain technologies is mentioned.

  • The importance of open discussion and considering different angles and use cases of virtual reality and augmented reality technologies is emphasized.