
Jon Carter of Harmonix talks Music VR

Jon Carter of Harmonix talks Music VR

Want to just sit back and experience music in a whole new way? Jon Carter who is the creative lead for Music VR from Harmonix stops by to talk about their upcoming release of this new experience from Harmonix which will be exclusive for the Playstation VR.

Jon shares what users can expect to experience while exploring the various worlds that will be available upon launch while discussing what some of the possibilities are for continuing on in the series along with what it was like working with the highly anticipated Playstation VR from Sony.

Matt Boch of Harmonix and Rock Band VR

Matt Boch of Harmonix and Rock Band VR

We all either personally, or know someone who has spent hours over the years playing the Rock Band franchise of video games rocking out to some of our favorite music, or learning about some news songs to fall in love with.

Guest Matt Boch of Harmonix joins Kevin to talk about the latest Rock Band experience that they are using to truly take you to center stage with their first VR offering simply called Rock Band VR.

Available soon on the Oculus Rift, Rock Band VR will use the upcoming Oculus Rift Touch controllers which attach to most existing Rock Band guitars to let you rock out to a set list of over 50 songs when it launches while looking out at that crowd in ways you've never been able to do so without physically being on stage.

We are really looking forward to this experience and would love to hear your thoughts on Rock Band VR so make sure to let us know what you think.