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VRARA Barcelona Chapter Spring Event

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Join us at the Spring Event of the Barcelona Chapter of The VR/AR Association during the evening of June 1st at Canòdrom Creative Research Park facilities in Barcelona.


18:00h Welcome by Jordi Alonso, president of the BCN chapter of VRARA
18:10h Leland Hedges from PICO Interactive will talk about the differences between 3 and 6DoF, and at the end of the event, you will be able to try the PICO Neo 6DoF headset (talk in English)

18:50h Xavi Conesa from VISYON will talk about how their customers are using VR for training and education (talk in Catalan)

19:30h Jordi Alonso of VRARA/Mediapro will talk about the generation of volumetric content: where we come from and where we are going (to decide language)

20:00h Xavier Palomer, CEO of PSIOUS will talk about VR used in treatment of phobias and behavior disorders (talk in Spanish)

20:40h Wrap up by Jordi Alonso, president of the BCN chapter of VRARA

20:45h Networking and you also will be able to try the new headsets PICO Neo 6DoF and Oculus Go, next to demos of the VISYON and PSIOUS solutions.


Registration of guests starts at 17:30h. 

You need a ticket to attend, because seats are limited. Request yours to the BCN Chapter President (jordi at thevrara dot com). Visit for directions to the venue.

PS: order of talks subject to changes