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Immersive storytelling. How VR/AR can awaken the imagination? (Online Event)


Storytelling helps humankind build a society, exchange knowledge and shape our beliefs. It’s with our species from the very beginning evolving over the course of centuries. Progressing with our skills and technology. Words and gestures or drawings on the stone are the initial forms of storytelling. Print brings us books and cinema motion pictures. Now, living in the XXI century it’s time for immersive technologies to take the lead. AR/VR-based storytelling has a huge advantage over the previous approaches. It can trick your mind so you think you are in the center of the action. You can even inflect the plot by making your own version of the story. Possibilities are endless!

We already see numerous immersive storytelling formats. They can be successfully used in different contexts ranging from business to art. Immersive theaters or exhibitions, locations based VR experiences, immersive booths, or even VR video games are just a few examples. During the event, we will dive deep into different formats and tools that can be used to tell the story in a way not possible before.