15 year old Sabarish Gnanamoorthy to Co-Chair Student Committee of the VR/AR Association

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A moment applauded from the VR/AR Global Summit (hosted by the VR/AR Association / VRARA) was the announcement of the nomination and acceptance of 15 year old Sabarish Gnanamoorthy as Co-Chair of the new VRARA Student Committee.   The Student VRARA Committee, a sub committee of our Education Committee will be built to support our next generations on what and how to access and share VR & AR resources and applications.  Parents & Educators will also have registered access to support and learn how the ecosystem is being educated with VR & AR Technology.

The Education Committee will begin working with Sabarish to build the digital connection with students globally.  Sabarish will provide the Association insight and metrics to become the number one place to seek out educational support for Students/Next Gen/Learning Gen.  In the development of our resources, the framework, architecture and content will be built to support their own learning algorithm.

Building the connection and Global Standards with the next Gen will provide the guidance needed to use AR & VR applications in Education.  Having a Student lead our communications will be a great way to bridge the generations and increase interest and support for the industry.   

For more info, see our Education Committee or email Julie here